
較早公告: 在現代工業領域,精度和效率是生產過程中重要的兩個關鍵詞。為了實現這兩個目標,各種精密測量和控製係統被廣泛應用於各種生產線上。其中,編碼器作為重要的位置檢測元件,在工業自動化中發揮著至關重要的作用。意大利ELTRA編碼器憑借其優的性能和個性化的解決方案,贏得了全球用戶的廣泛讚譽。ELTRA編碼器以其高精度、高穩定性和高可靠性而著稱。這些編碼器不僅能夠在各種惡劣環境下穩定運行,而且能夠為用戶提供精確的位置反饋信息,確保生產線的高效運行。此外,ELTRA編碼器還具備多種接口和輸出方式,可以滿足不同用戶
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    聯係人: 陳女士
    E-mail: 3638529886@qq.com
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點擊次數:920 更新時間:2018-06-26

New IO-Link Master from wenglor Permits Inligent Data Communication

With its new EP0L001 IO-Link master, wenglor sensoric is offering an ideal, multiprotocol module for consistent communication right on up to the field level. Up to eight IO-Link-compatible sensors and actuators in accordance with IO-Link standards 1.0 and 1.1 can be easily and flexibly incorporated into the control level via industrial Ethernet with this innovative product.

Within the context of fully networked Industry 4.0 production and logistics centers, as well as smart machines and process optimization by means of predictive maintenance, the new EP0L001 I/O-Link master is the perfect interface between the controller and inligent field devices. In particular for the new generation of photoelectronic sensors included in the PNG//smart series with highly communicative, high-performance sensors, it’s the ideal connection module for linking up to higher network levels. Participants exchange real-time data concerning system statuses during the running process, and can thus be dynamically adjusted to changing operating conditions. This permits continuous process optimization, assures production quality and avoids system standstills.

Comprehensive Equipment Provides for Convenience and Safety
The eight IO-Link-compatible, freely configurable M12 ports offer greatest possible flexibility where module allocations is concerned, and reduce the costs of each channel to a minimum. Four of the eight ports are laid out as class B variants in order to be able to make increased load current available – as frequently required by actuators. Even powerful actuators are not left in the lurch thanks to continuous load current of up to 2 A per class B port (total: 8 A). Supply power to all components is assured by the new L-coded M12 plugs, which also provide the opportunity of connecting additional field modules. In the event that a terminal device should fail, electrical isolation ensures that module communication is not interrupted and that disturbances are quickly eliminated. A total of 12 digital inputs, eight digital outputs or configuration by means of eight IO-Link-compatible ports offer greatest possible connection diversity and efficient use of the master.

Flexible Multilingualism: Multiprotocol with PROFINET and EtherNet/IP™
A further advantage of the IO-Link master is its ability to communicate with the PROFINET and EtherNet/IP™ industrial Ethernet protocols. The respective protocol can be selected at the master with the rotary encoder switch, thus making further devices superfluous. The two switch ports permit connection via line or ring topology. Depending on the utilized protocol, the IO-Link master fulfills functions such as fast start-up, shared device and Device Level Ring, and supports the media redundancy protocol.

Perfect for Harsh Industrial Environments
The extremely rugged and compact zinc die-cast housing is ideal for harsh industrial conditions thanks to IP65/IP67/IP69k protection. Whether cold or hot ambient conditions prevail, the IO-Link master works reliably at temperatures within a range of -20 to +70° C. It’s minimal weight of just 500 g also qualifies the unit for moving applications or mounting directly to machines. wenglor also offers suitable connection components.

The Highlights at a Glance
• 8 flexibly configurable, IO-Link-compatible M12 ports
• 2 D-coded switch ports, configurable for connection to PROFINET or EtherNet/IP™
• Rugged, compact zinc die-cast housing
• Integrated web server

上一篇:MTS獲得XCEL能源的能源效率獎 下一篇:Robertshaw®宣布Braeburn恒溫器和分區產品的主銷
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